ESPN資深記者史塔克(Jayson Stark),日前在《ESPN.com》舉辦「Who is The Face of Baseball」票選,希望民眾投票,選出想到棒球會想到哪位球員,結果卻出乎意料,不是洋基隊長基特(Derek Jeter),也不是三冠王卡布雷拉(Miguel Cabrera),而是A-Rod(Alex Rodriguez)。
ESPN記者史塔克(Jayson Stark)在上個月舉辦票選,「Who is The Face of Baseball」,希望美國球迷選出他們所認為最能代表棒球的人,共1028位球迷投票,但結果卻跌破眾人眼鏡,因為得票率最高,2成2的人投給使用禁藥,被判211場禁賽A-Rod,僅1成2的球迷投給基特,卡布雷拉則落居第3。
事後記者史塔克也對此統計數據做出解釋,認為這與種種因素都有關,例如如何定義「Face of Baseball」(棒球代表人物)。除此之外,投票的球迷中,有6成是狂熱球迷,4成是普通球迷,而狂熱球迷投給基特、卡布雷拉或特拉特(Mike Trout)大大多過A-Rod;另外有3成5的人未滿25歲等等。
New York Yankees shortstop Brendan Ryan tags out Baltimore Orioles baserunner Nate McLouth attempting to steal second during the seventh inning of their MLB American League baseball game in Baltimore,...
New York Yankees shortstop Brendan Ryan tags out Baltimore Orioles baserunner Nate McLouth attempting to steal second during the seventh inning of their MLB American League baseball game in Baltimore, Maryland September 11, 2013. REUTERS/Doug Kapustin (UNITED STATES - Tags: SPORT BASEBALL)